Saturday, October 28, 2023

God Always Has An Answer

 Over the past few weeks I've been oddly irritated by parents who let their young children run around, especially in the middle of the road. We live in a neighborhood that has a bus stop at the end of the road, and when Bella and I leave in the morning it is right around the time these kids are going to the bus stop. 

Trust me, I am a person of GREAT patience, but these kids and their coffee mug holding, pajama wearing, sock and slipper parents drive me insane! The kids run out of the driveway full speed into the middle of the road, looking neither left nor right, not even up or down... OH MY STARS... And they are on scooters and bikes and there's like 100 of them. All unleashed from the confides of their homes with what I'm guessing to be bellies full of sugary cereal and mountain dew because no one should have that much get up and go this early in the morning. We literally have to slam on the brakes, mind you we are only driving around 20 mph or slower down the road, swerving and dodging.. And then the parents, THE PARENTS!! mean mugging ,as if us driving by to get to school and work is offending them. 

I have prayed about the irritation I feel over this lack of control these parents have over their spawn and why I'm so irritated by it-- OKay, that was a little harsh but COME ON NOW!

This brought me back to raising my own children at that age and trust me they weren't allowed to free roam like some organic chickens. I, and they will tell you with great frustration, didn't even let them outside without supervision. In fact, when I realized that Amelia had the potential to roam, I purchased an Elmo harness with a leash attached and she wore it EVERYWHERE we went. I endured comments like "Oh boy! You got a leash on your kid like she's a dog!" Or "Taking your kid for a walk, ar,ar,ar!" Actually, no Einstein, I'm keeping her safe and keeping you from having to slam on your brakes and whiplashing yourself...which after that comment might not be a bad idea"

I digress, that wasn't a very Christian thing to say. Forgive me Lord.

The whole leash debacle was settled when we were visiting Busch Gardens. They have this area that, although fenced in, is very expansive and includes enormous trees with rope ladders connecting them and little holes to hide in and on this particular day around 4.2 million children.

We walked through the gate. Aunt Meme, Abigayle, Amelia, and myself, ready to run off some energy from being on the African Serengeti safari ride for a bit too long. As we surveyed the area  I looked down to see the leash dragging on the ground with no Amelia attached to the end. OH MY GOSH. I felt my heart stop and then speed up to around 500 beats per minute all within a 2 second timeframe. I looked at Abigayle, who was around 4 at the time and she said " that's not good".  No Abigayle, this isn't good. 

Aunt Meme and I panicked and looked into the abyss of screeching, screaming children and instantly we saw her. Her little piggy tails flayling in the air, purple pacifier hanging from her gap-toothy smile, running free like an unleashed dog across one of the 100 rope bridges. I pointed and yelled " AMELIA ENID, YOU BEST STOP RIGHT NOW!!!!" she giggled and took off into a hole in one of the trees. 

Abigayle and I went in one direction and Aunt Meme in another. We chased her for what seemed like 500 HOURS, at a few times I just had to stop, I was out of breath, sweating like a hog and to be quite honest, at this point, about to just let her stay because she was showing no sign of giving up. Across the way I saw Aunt Meme within a few feet of Amelia ,maneuvering across a rope bridge and right as she reached out to grab her, she bolted with increased speed and left Aunt Meme in her dust.

The 3 of us defeated, after about an hour of this stupid game sat on a log and just watched. After all, there was only one way out and as long as we sat by the gate she couldn't get out. Within about 20 minutes of sitting on that log  she casually walked up, stood in front of us, dirty tree climbing hands on her hips, head tilted slightly to the side, sweaty pig tails matted to her face and said, in her little 2 year old lispy voice "Hey guys, what you doing here?" 

As I casually reached out to her in a hug like gesture, Aunt Meme grabbed her up from behind and "SNAP" the leash was reattached and I said in a loud voice" IT IS TIME TO GO!!!"

The leash stayed on Amelia until she was about 5 or 6, there were times when we'd get ready to leave the house and she'd say to Abigayle "where my leash sissy?' I think she got so used to it  that it became part of her everyday outfit. There's days now I'd like to put that Elmo leash back on her just to keep her home, but she's always been my free spirited child wanting to go go go.

Back to the bus stop and my irration.... As I prayed about this the last few weeks God actually gave me a very easy solution, and it has helped my morning mood. God simply whispered in my ear "Take the other road" simple as that!! And what perfect advice for life everyday. If you are irritated by something every day and it is stealing your joy.... Take the other road❤️