Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Birthday Morning. . .

I have come to realize in the past few weeks that I may be creating two monsters, my dear little Abigayle and Amelia. To some, mhm Marie, this may come as no surprise.

 It was the morning of Amelia's 5th birthday and I couldn't wait to wake her and Abigayle up with breakfast in bed. I had set my alarm early so I could get ready for work and still have time to do some birthday celebrating before getting the girls ready for school. I made "birthday toast" cut into beautiful hearts and butterflies with cookie cutters, cut up some yummy fruit, added whipped cream and put milk in sippy cups--  I lit the birthday candles on the birthday cupcakes and carried all of this into the bedroom singing "Happy Birthday"  and  was greeted with "GO AWAY!!! I'M TOO TIRED, UHHHH MOMMMMMY!!!!"

"But sweety it's your birthday, I made yummy breakfast!"

So they both sat up and looked at their tray's, Amelia squished up her face "UHHHHHH!! you cut the crust offffff??????????" then from Abigayle "You know I don't like milk in a sippy cup, I can't drink that!!!!!"

I held my breath and kept positive, after all, it was early. "Well, I can make some more and not cut the crust off? do you want juice instead?"

And from the girls "no we'll just eat the cupcakes"

So, my hard work at preparing the birthday breakfast went unnoticed and I was starting to think Unappreciated!

"How about opening some presents Amelia?"

That made her smile and after opening a few  she got to  the one gift I was most excited about I held my breath and waited for the "YES!!! I wanted this so bad, thank you Mommy!!!" 

But no, that is not what happened next. Instead her face turned red and she glared at me with beady brown eyes and from her 5 year old mouth out came "YOU weren't suppose to get me this!!!! Mama Mary is getting me this, I TOLD YOU THAT!!!!! Now I won't be happy when I open hers cause YOU already got it for me!!!!WAH!!!!!!!!!!"(fake crying)

Realllyyyy? People act like this????

Instantly I thought to myself, "I'm either going to grab each  and  every hair on my head right now and rip them out one by one in front of these little beings that certainly resemble my children but are acting afool and have drove mommy off the rails of the crazy train OR I'm going to burst into tears", fortunately, I did neither.

Abigayle quickly chimed in "I'm happy, mommy, I love the breakfast, I think these gifts are awesome, I like the toast, you look so pretty this morning!"

Ahhh, a smart one who recognizes the look of complete defeat! Thank you Abigayle for getting the  crazy train back on track!

Amelia quickly followed with "I like your hair"

1 comment:

  1. classic! thses are great, thanks for posting, loving your blog!
