Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

With Mother's day only a day away, I felt inspired to say something about it. I was actually born on Mother's day, whether or not this was a gift to my own Mother I have never quite figured out. Imagine a day honoring you and you get to spend it cramped up, with your uterus spasming hoping to die-- sounds lovely. So into the world I came-- and have since left a trail of terror through my mother's life.

There was the time when I was five and was forced to drag my tag-a-long two year old sister, Marie, with me  out to collect chicken eggs from the coop, upon leaving the coop I instructed her to go back in and get the last one, as she did I locked the door from the outside and headed back to the house, never looking back-- This event resulted in me getting a chance to "see what it was like" as I was shut in a dark closet-- Really?? can you do that to children?

When I was about eight I patiently encouraged my mothers accordion "lessons" as a creosol fire roared through our wood burning stove -- events related? I doubt it-- However, the sounds she was making with that accordion could have drowned out the cries of a dying cat, and my sisters and I sat politely  listening for a very long time, had we said "you suck!" the chimney may have never caught fire.

The teen years were the worst...

I believe the time I ran away was ,by far, the icing on the cake. Technically, I still don't see it as "running away", I flat out asked if I could go. Being a 15 year old, I knew everything about everything and decided that even if she told me "no" I had every right to pack into a van  full of smelly hippies, drive from Michigan to Colorado and live in a shack with no running water.Ah the good life! I was gone for a few weeks. . did I once think about the years I was taking off my mom and dad's lives? Yeah right! I was having fun! Until.. . I wanted to shower, until a huge red spider slipped into my mouth in the middle of the night and sucked blood from my lip, until I realized that one can't survive on $68, until I realized my underarm hair was long enough to braid-- so I called home, and was told to get to the airport, NOW!! and so,  I flew back home, smelling like a twelve day old fart and looking like Charles Manson.

I never realized the pain I caused from that one incident until a few weeks back when my dad was retelling the story and said " Do you know how hard that was on me!!!?? I didn't sleep for days, BUT your mother did!!!" Not sure that made me feel better or worse???

Now that I am a Mother, I look back on these and several other events that I would be too embarrassed to share and think, if my  own Abigayle and Amelia even try to do some of the things that I did, I'm screwed. . .I see a lot of praying in my future!!!

So, to my Mother on Mother's day-- please forgive me for all the wonderful memories I was creating for myself and heart attacks I created for you-- LOve yOU!!!

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