Thursday, October 13, 2011

My BooBoo

I am still amazed and baffled by the fact that I have three children. . . Never, and I repeat never, did I imagine I would be a baby factory. But God has blessed me with three of the most beautiful girls in the world. AnnaBella being the newest addition. . . I love this child!

Not moving from tradition in our family, we have bestowed upon AnnaBella a slew of nicknames. . . Bella, FussyFartyPants, BooBoo, Boo and most recently Boobs. . . All quite fitting. . . Even "Boobs" as she has packed on quite a few pounds since birth. . . Yes Pounds, not just ounces. Her pediatrician can't believe she is breastfed, let me tell you about that.

At first, I wasn't totally convinced I would be able to nurse BooBoo, she wasn't born with a good "latch" and the cow wasn't exactly producing the milk, until. . . .enter into the picture Dr. Karnes and his team of "manipulation specialists". I received a shakedown that would have had the breasts of a dried up corpse producing milk. No joke. A firm clutch in the armpits and 30 minutes of shake,shake,shake and voila! The cups runneth over. Modern medicine at it's finest. During this shakedown BooBoo was also getting "manipulated".. . Hers not quite as intense, a little pressure on her cranium and she was ready to go.

BooBoo now nurses as if 100 babies are waiting in line behind her and she isn't leaving a drop for the masses. Her technique can be compared to that of a barracuda. . . I don't think that needs explaining, you get the picture. I have had to adapt to this quite quickly. . . Had I known ahead of time that this would be her technique I would have spent that last few months of my pregnancy preparing by going to the car wash and hooking the industrial vacuum hoses to my nipples for 30 minute intervals 12 times a day.

Ten weeks into the ordeal I can defiantly say we are on a roll, now that my nipples are comparable to tanned cow hide and BooBoo is realizing that those 100 babies ,well, they aren't really there. Love you BooBoo!

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