Saturday, June 16, 2012

In Cahoots!

I think enough time has passed that I may safely write this blog without fear of being prosecuted.

 It was one of those nights when I just didn't feel like cooking- if you ask my husband that would be every night, but that is beside the point. I was also missing my mommy, Abigayle and Amelia time- something that brings nostalgia from a time not so long ago.

 So the three of us were off to Olive Garden* for our yearly dose of garlic and carbohydrates. As usual, when we were being seated the two of them started arguing "you sat with mommy last time!" "no, sissy YOU DID!!"  Then the pushing started.  "Get out of the booth sissy, I AM SITTING THERE!!!!"

 If you've ever met my children, you know just how loud they can be and believe me they were not holding back for sake of their public surroundings.  As I hissed for them to both just get in the dang booth with me I looked up to see a coworker "Oh hello, how are you? Yes these are my two wild beasts that I occasionally bring out of the basements cages. . .what's that? Oh no, they just haven't had their daily electric shock therapy never mind us! Carry on!"

As we sat packed like sardines in the booth we decided on our dinners and then the inevitable " I have to pee." Really? We just left home where I know I said "Make sure you go the bathroom" at least 10 times.

No difference, Abigayle had to pee- So out of the booth we shuffled and the two of them were off. About 15 minutes later they returned, ALL giggles. " Shhhh sissy, don't tell HER!" "Tell HER what, Amelia?" - as if HER was not the obvious ME!-

"Nuffin! Nobody is sayin' nuffin about anything!"

Really? I was quite confident that between these two I would eventually find out.

And then Amelia " Sissy. . . .gurgle,gurgle ahahahahahah!!! Followed by Abigayle giggling which turned into Abigayle belly laughing, which turned into Abigayle not being able to breath as she slapped her hand on the table repeatedly.

 "What are you little minions laughing about?" I demanded.

 "We told you, NUFFIN! Right sissy? We aren't going to say anything about your underwear!"

 Aha! A clue! I knew these two were up to no good. So let's see- gurgle, gurgle plus underwear. . . Hmmmmmm "Say, Amelia. . . Did Abigayle flush her underwear down the toilet in the bathroom?"

 The looks I got from both of them were as if they were looking at the great Houdini, as if I had just become "Marsha, The Great Mind-reader".

 "Uh. . .no mommy, no I uh, she , uh, no mommy." And both of their heads went down and didn't come back up to even meet my eyes for the rest of the dinner. Although, every 2 seconds one of them would start giggling and then the other would follow with "gurgle".

The next morning, as I was waking them up for school I announced that the night before, after they went to bed, I got a phone call- "From who mommy?" "Oh, the manager at Olive Garden."

The look on their faces was priceless. "What did he want" "You're lying!" "No, he got my name and number from my debit card and wanted to talk to me about the bathroom."

They both turned white as ghosts. . . "So my little sweet innocent bambinos, anything you care to share?"

This was followed by "Abigayle made me do it!!!!!!!"

I won't share what they did, but I am sure you can guess. I would like to point out though- this whole incident really did impress me as the two of them kept a secret from me, together- creating a temporary bond that resulted in NO arguing or fighting for the remainder of that night- until the next morning when Amelia was way to quick to say "Abigayle made me do it!!" ahhhhh, famous last words!

*name may have been changed to protect all parties involved- lol!