Sunday, October 4, 2009

Almost a one year anniversary!

So-- on October 12th of last year my oldest daughter, who was 6 at the time , and I were baptized together. That date will forever be carved in my mind. We prepared a few weeks in advance-- which may sound odd, but we had to give a little "mini" speech to the congregation about our journey to baptism. I still get teary-eyed thinking about this because it is bittersweet. It took a difficult divorce (at least for me) to finally realize I was worth something and that God loved me for who I am, and He was my saving Grace. It's so hard to put into words and I don't think I ever will be able to but had it not been for my Faith and commitment to God and knowing his unconditional Love for me I would not have made it this far.

As for Abigayle, how awesome to be able to hold your daughters hand in the baptism water and be side by side for such an amazing event-- she is an exceptionally intelligent young girl who impresses me daily with wisdom beyond her years yet, at that moment in time I felt more pride and wonderment for her than all the A+ papers,educational awards, piano playing, etc. . could ever bring. I love that little girl so much and wish everyone could experience such an awesome commitment together with their children :)

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