Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh I love you~

How can you be in a bad mood when you have a four year old who's heart is full of compassion and love? Who is always , okay 95% of the time, happy.

Amelia Bedelia, or lovingly called Fionna Finklestien and sometimes Miel-Miel, is often my saving grace. She wakes me up with kisses, she hugs me from behind as I'm bent over pawing through the refrigerator looking for something to cook, she always comments approvingly on my attire, she notices the little things, like new washcloths and she is so very gentle with our family pets.

She has an unending imagination that allows for hours of independent play and will have you believing that there are three additional children in her bedroom with her at any given moment. She knows this guy Jack Swanson, who plays in a band and swims, he lost a leg and has a puppy-- you know him right?? Jack Swanson!

So thank you Amelia, for the hugs and kisses tonight-- Mommy needed them :)

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